Do Dogs Listen Better?

A Study found that over half of American pet owners think their dog is a better listener than their partner. A staggering 64% of females agree with this. Less males at 48% but perhaps boys could learn a thing or two from their dogs!

dog_training_columbusWhen girls are talking, pay attention. Make eye contact, look adoringly, turn your head from side to side.

Pet lovers probably won’t find these stats surprising (although non-pet lovers might!). We already know how powerful that unconditional acceptance can be. And we consider our pets part of the family. In fact some of us even think of our dogs and cats as our partners or even our children.

It seems that tend of thousands of years of evolution have prepared us to understand the other species we live with, to empathise.. or at least to look like we are doing so. Dogs may not be able to understand every word we say but it feels like they do. Of course most dogs understand W.A.L.K. (which is why dog owners spell the word out loud rather than say it) and some dogs understand lots more

Perhaps we don’t need our canine and feline companions to understand what we say or to answer us back (though some do!). We simply need a listening ear.

Who listens to you most?