Training Basics

Traveling With Your Anxious Dog

The holidays are fast approaching. Perhaps faster than some of us would like!   If the impending holiday season means traveling to see friends and family for the holidays, big decisions about whether to mask or not mask (*ahem Covid*) or take your dog with you may be weighing on your mind.    Our pets…

Halloween Safety Tips For Dogs

Halloween. A time for spooky decorations, costumes, candy, and jack-o-lanterns.    While Halloween is a fun-filled, exciting holiday for humans, it can seem strange and unusual and perhaps even frightening to dogs. Their world becomes transformed into a spooky atmosphere of different sights and sounds. And, the humans they love so much look different as…

Keeping your dog engaged

I think we all know the old saying that goes something like “Idle minds cause trouble.” This saying can be especially true when it comes to our dogs. When a dog is bored, it can lead him down a path to trouble as he starts to find things he shouldn’t be doing or chewing on…

Fall Activities To Do With Your Dog

Fall is a fun time of the year, whether you’re a human or a dog. From piles of leaves to play in, nature walks to take in the crisp air, to festivals galore, there is always something going on to enjoy the last nice days of the year before winter sets in. If you’re wondering…

Tick Season! Yikes! Tick Prevention Tips for Our Dogs

Ticks. No one likes them. And no one wants to find one embedded in their skin or in their dog. Unfortunately, ticks are everywhere, so it’s important to know how to keep you and your dog tick-free when enjoying the outdoors.    Tick season in Pennsylvania is from spring to May and Mid-August to November….

Ear Care For Your Dog

Cleaning your dog’s ears is an important part of grooming and hygiene for your pet to keep him happy and healthy. Ear cleanings help prevent infections and irritations and are especially important in breeds with floppy ears. But do all dogs need their ears cleaned? And how do you clean your dog’s ears, especially if…

What to Consider Before Shaving Your Dog For Summer

As summer temperatures soar, many dog owners question if they should groom their dogs for the summer heat. The thought is tempting, especially if you’re worried about your Huskie, St. Bernard, or Goldendoodle being as hot as you wearing that fur coat.   Think About This Before Getting Out The Clippers!    Most dog’s fur…

Behind The Scenes of Military and Police Dogs

Police have been using dogs to help do their work since the middle ages. The military has been officially using them since 1942. With their loyal personalities and fantastic sense of smell, dogs are the obvious option to help officers do their jobs.   What do military and police dogs do?    Police and military…

Summer Picnic Safety Tips For Your Dog

Everyone loves a good picnic or BBQ celebration. Our dogs are no exception to that rule. With the allure of running and playing outside and perhaps getting a tasty treat, dogs are all too eager to jump in the car and accompany us to these festivities. Before bringing your dog along with you, consider these…

Pool Safety Tips For Dogs

With summer in full swing, you and your dog may be looking for a way to stay cool. A swim in a pool or a lake is a great way to have fun and cool off. While this can be great fun and a wonderful source of exercise for you and your dog, there are…

Tips to Prepare And Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks Displays

Summer is here! Time for picnics, summer fun, and fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July. For us, fireworks are a time of excitement and awe. However, for our dogs, this can be a terrifying experience. So what should you do if the sound of fireworks scares your dog into hiding or an anxious frenzy?…

Facts about Service Dogs for Physical and Mental Disability Assistance

We’ve been looking at the different types of jobs dogs can do during our Working Dogs series. First, we took a look at a brief overview of The Difference Between Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, and Emotional Support Animals. Then we dived a little deeper into What are Emotional Support Dogs and how Therapy work is…

Therapy work is Rewarding for Dogs and People

Welcome back to our series on working dogs. In our last post we explored the role of Emotional Support animals.  This week we are jumping into the world of therapy dogs.   So what is a therapy dog exactly?    Therapy dogs provide comfort or companionship to those with illnesses, disabilities, or who are in…

What Are Emotional Support Dogs?

Has your dog ever sensed when you’ve had a terrible day and has instinctively cuddled up next to you to try to make it all better?    Dog’s have an uncanny ability to sense our needs and emotions and seem to know just what to do to make everything better when things are going totally…

What’s The Difference Between Service, Therapy, and Emotional Support Dogs?

What’s The Difference Between Service, Therapy, and Emotional Support Dogs?    There is a lot of buzz about service dogs, therapy dogs, and emotional support dogs these days. But often, the difference between them is confused and sometimes even abused. Let’s explore the difference between them to better understand the roles these dogs play in…