Congratulations on Requesting Your Free Consultation

Thank you for choosing Sit Means Sit Dog Training, we will contact you soon! At Sit Means Sit Dog Training, we will provide you with expert off leash training for your dog regardless of their age or temperament. During this consultation we will SHOW you a happy dog, under control through distraction so that you can see how your dog will not just be a pet, but a welcomed member of the family no matter where you go or what you do. In short, we provide you a new sense of freedom and ease with your four legged friend.

What to expect during the consultation

We will discuss all of the goals that you want to meet with your dog
We will explain our training method
We will demonstrate the success of our training method with our own personal dogs
Most importantly, we will show you control of your dog on the spot
Once we show you results, we custom build an obedience program to suit the dog’s needs as well as meet your expectations and goals.

Questions the trainer will be asking you

What brought you to Sit Means Sit?
What reasons made you want to seek out a professional trainer?
If you had the perfect dog, what would you imagine it to be?