Why Dogs Need Stability

Why Dogs Need Stability

Something you’ve probably heard a handful of times as a pet parent is that your dog needs consistent routines. While stability for your pooch is essential, you may not know precisely why. Read on to find out why habits are so beneficial for canines, and how you might be able to improve yours.

Why Routine & Consistency Are So Important

Dogs are animals of habit, and in order for them to deal with changes in a healthy way, they need to have a well-established routine already. Routines and consistency allow your pup to build expectations around your actions, as their pet parent, and their own lives. A canine with little consistency in their lives is much more likely to experience high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression – which can, in effect, harm their physical health as well. A furry friend who has a well-balanced daily routine can build a sense of security in their life, so that when a change occurs, whether it be planned or unexpected, they’re able to deal with it in a healthy way.

Your Daily Routine

The daily routine that is established in your home will be the foundation of your dog’s stability. You want to ensure your pup is up and about, as well as able to sleep, around the same time every day. Other activities like feeding, walking, playtime, and quiet time all need to be kept consistent, so your pooch can rely on them. Changes such as extra walks or playtime and taking your furry friend to new places are entirely healthy when done in moderation. These activities should also not affect the core structure of your pup’s routine to allow them to have a bit of expectancy to rely on.

Fido’s Feeding Routine

Feeding your four-legged friend at the same time every day is not only good for the mental health but their physical health as well. It allows their metabolism to adapt to a pattern and adjust itself accordingly to the set feeding times you’ve put in place. Staying consistent with the food you give, Fido is also crucial here. Making any sudden changes to your pup’s diet can cause them to become ill, so if you want to change their diet, it should be done gradually.

Walking & Potty Routine

If your dog is giving you clues that they need to relieve themselves, you should let them outside regardless of their routine. In general, though, you want to establish consistent times that your pup knows they can rely on to be allowed out. Walks should also be habit your pooch can look forward to around the same time every day. There is nothing wrong with extra exercise, so if you want to take your furry friend on a longer walk one day or add in an extra one, by all means, do it! Just ensure that at least one walk for Fido is scheduled consistently.

Ensuring Consistency in Your Dog’s Training

To get the best results out of training, you have to ensure that not only you’re training your pooch consistently, but anyone else in your household is holding Fido accountable as well. You want to make sure that everyone in your home is teaching commands clearly and consistently so that they’re not open to interpretation. A family member or roommate may occasionally think exceptions won’t do any harm to your canine’s obedience, but they’ll only cause your pup an immense amount of confusion. To establish proper obedience training, your furry friend needs a clear framework of expectations to follow from everyone they live with – not just you.

Some changes are inevitable, but as long as your pooch as a healthy routine they’re happy with – they’ll be able to adapt to adjustments that may occur along the way.