Which Dog Breeds Have the Best Sense of Smell?

Which Dog Breeds Have the Best Sense of Smell?

Dogs are already known for having superior senses of smell, but who reigns supreme? Let’s find out which breed’s have the strongest snouts.


These massive hounds have over 300 million scent receptors, which is more than any other dog breed. Bloodhounds have such a reliable sense of smell that their findings can actually be used in a court of law. Not only can this pup track scents on the ground, but they also have the ability to track scents through the air. And all of that goes without even mentioning their impressive stamina and persistence.

Basset Hounds

Built low to the ground, it isn’t a surprise that a Basset Hound’s specialty is scent trails. Plus, with their long floppy ears dragging alongside them, they’re able to bring more scents upward and into their powerful sniffer. You also might be wondering what the loos flappy skin under their chin is, and it’s known as a dewlap, it helps them trap scents quickly as they work.


Beagles have such great smelling abilities they’re often brought in to help with the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, where they help detect contraband in airports. Although they are among the smallest hound breeds, their noses are still mighty and can recognize about 50 distinct odors with a 90% success rate.

German Shepherds

Coming in with 225 million scent receptors, it’s no wonder German Shepherds are employed by law enforcement, the military, as well as search & rescue groups. Although this pup is known for its herding abilities, it can also track scents through the air that end up getting carried by the wind.

Labrador Retriever

The most popular family dog in the United States also happens to have a pretty impressive nose. Besides being known for their patience and loyalty, Labs also have a fantastic nose that helps them complete scent-related jobs like bomb and drug detection as well as search & rescue.

Dogs are full of surprises! Your pooch might be number one in a category you don’t even know about, so next time you have some free time, maybe do a bit of research on your furry friend’s abilities.