Dog Breeds Closely Related to Wolves

dog breeds related to wolves


We all know dogs are descendants of wolves in general. However, some breeds are more closely related and more similar to wolves than others. While there may be some obvious breeds, there are also many that may surprise you. Here is our list of which breeds tend to be more related to wolves and where they descend from!


Salukis originally are a Middle Eastern dog and are one of the oldest dog breeds out there, going back to 10,000 BC. The breed is genetically very close to wolves.

Afghan Hound

This breed is very similar to the Saluki in the sense that it is another one of the oldest domestic breeds. They also have very few differences from the ancestor wolves.

Alaskan Malamute

Another obvious breed related to wolves is the Alaskan Malamute. This dog has a very similar appearance to a wolf ancestors, so it is not shocking they are genetically very similar.

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky, originally and still used for sledding, is very similar to wolves. Overtime not only has the resemblance to wolves stayed similar, but the genetic composition has as well.

Shih Tzu

A more surprising breed that is related to wolves closely is the Shih Tzu. They are very closely related to wolves even though they are a smaller dog.


The Pekingese is very similar to the Shih Tzu, in that it may not look similar to a wolf, but the DNA proves otherwise. Over the years, their genetics have changed little from the original ancestors.

Lhasa Apso

Another hard to believe breed is the Lhasa Apso. While they may look different than wolves, they were watch dogs and are thought to be one of the most closely related breeds.

Shiba Inu

This Japanese breed may be small, but it is also very similar to the ancient wolf ancestors. While it’s purpose of hunting has changed, it’s DNA shows it is one of the oldest living breeds.

Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is very similar looking to the wild ancestors of wolves. The breed is very genetically similar and has primitive features and personalities at times that resemble wolves.

Is your pup closely related to wolves? Let us know!