The Rescue Dog That Captured A Family’s Heart

Name: Siobhan R.

Dog’s Name: Athena

City: Harker Heights

Zip: 76548

Breed: Boxer/Pit Bull

Likes: Fetch, Dog Park and Running

Pet Peeves: When Hollywood moves while I’m running on him

Favorite Toy: Rope Toys

Favorite Treat: Anything

Favorite Walk: From the car to the dog park or around the neighborhood

Best Tricks: Laying in the sun

Arrival Story: Mom and Dad were looking for a friend for Hollywood when they came to the rescue I was at. They were there to look at another dog, but they fell in love with my sweet personality and Hollywood loved me. I moved in the next day!

Bio: Athena has been with us for almost three months. She has been a very sweet dog and occasionally cowers because of previous abuse but has come so far already. She is learning this is a loving home and she fit perfectly in it!

Motto: I am Athena; hear me Roar!