American Staffordshire Terrier Puppy Training in Action

Name: Ray and Michele M.

Dog’s Name: Hank

City: Eddy

Zip: 76524

Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Likes: Fetch, Tug-of-War and Chewing

Pet Peeves: Strangers at the house, Being told “No”

Favorite Toy: Squeaky Ball

Favorite Treat: Rawhide

Favorite Walk: Long, slow walks on the “Back Forty”

Best Tricks: Yet To Be Learned

Arrival Story: Mom visited the Waco Humane Society one Saturday with the intention of adopting an older dog, but after I poured on the charm, three days later I went to my new home.

Bio: Hank is about 8 months old and is every bit the defiant teenager. He exhibits signs of abandonment issues and separation anxiety. He is very loving and intelligent dog that loves to play and ride in the car.