Bring Confidence & Control to Your Timid or Aggressive Dog

Name: Joe Lansing

Dog’s Name: Shelby

City: Nolanville

Zip: 76559

Breed: German Shepherd

Likes: Extreme fetching

Pet-Peeves: Other dogs and humans

Favorite Toy: Knotted rope

Favorite Treat: Dog biscuits and occasional meat leftovers

Best Tricks: High jump to catch rope toy

Arrival Story: Came to us at 11 weeks old as a planned addition to the family. She was the quietest puppy in the litter.

Bio: Shelby is a very loving dog. She loves to wash your face in exchange for a good scratching. She’s great around the kids in and around the house. She has always been fearful of other dogs and this is transferring to humans. So we are here to learn not to be a scardy-cat.