German Shepherd Puppy Training

Name: Derrick Bunch

Dog’s Name: White Shoes

City: Harker Heights

Zip: 76548

Breed: German Shepherd

Likes: Dinner time, walks, and treats

Pet-Peeves: Running from larger dogs and urinating when scared

Favorite Toy: Rubber duck

Favorite Treat: Bacon bits

Favorite Walk: Around Carl Levin Park

Best Tricks: None yet-want to learn spread em, beg, walking backwards

Arrival Story: White Shoes was born to my brother’s dog in Yazoo City. When I picked her our of 8 pups she was too young to travel back with me. She came through Houston with my niece. I picked her up in Houston from Mississippi.

Bio: White Shoes is 18 weeks old, she has 4 white paws and the tip of her tail is white. She is a very smart dog and loves to please me. When she barks she looks back to see if I am paying attention-Just love that White Shoes.

Motto: Affection she’s my protection