Giving Freedom to Your Dog

Name: Donna & Norman Malcik

Dog’s Name: Shiloh/Boo

City: Belton

Zip: 76513

Breed: German Shepherd

Likes: Having his chest scratched, laying in my lap

Pet-Peeves: Does not like me or his daddy saying “scratch my back” or us doing it

Favorite Toy: Ball, kong, and soccer balls

Favorite Treat: All treats but his favorite is cheese

Favorite Walk: Any, especially through the pasture

Best Tricks: Sit

Arrival Story: Our two oldest daughters got him for us for Christmas when he was a baby. When we went to look my husband told them he wanted the one with the most attitude. They pointed our another one but Shiloh came to him and sat on his feet. Been rotten ever since.

Bio: Shiloh is now 2 &1/2 and very spoiled. He loves to play soccer and he is so wonderful with the grandkids or any kids. They are very well protected when they are with him.