Golden Retiever Training

Name: Trish Poznick

Dog’s Name: Darby

City: Harker Heights

Zip: 76548

Breed: Golden Retriever

Likes: Swimming, car rides, playing with other dogs

Pet-Peeves: Being at home alone and not with his family

Favorite Toy: Rubber tire

Favorite Treat: Dried/dehydrated chicken breast

Favorite Walk: Any walk where there is snow

Best Tricks: Sit, shake, switch, low crawl

Arrival Story: Darby came to us with a lot of bad habits from being spoiled and has come a long way in over 2 years but he still needs some work.

Bio: Darby is 5 years old and now an army brat. He is originally from Colorado and was a show dog but not happy without a family. Now he has 4 people to love and give him all the attention he deserves.

Motto: “I’ve never met a dog that doesn’t like me.”