Pop’s Ultimate Gift

Name: Jorge Toro

Dog’s Name: Pug, Pugo, Puppy

City: Killeen

Zip: 76549

Breed: Border Collie mix

Likes: Climbing, watching tv, running, herding, chasing birds, chasing rain, playing soccer, walking backwards

Pet-Peeves: Being carried, dogs behind fences, reflection barking

Favorite Toy: Anything that squeaks, soccer ball

Favorite Treat: Kong toy, peanut butter, milkbone

Favorite Walk: Anything 1 mile or more and jogging

Arrival Story & Bio: Pug arrived to us at 1 month of age as a birthday gift. Pop’s Ultimate Gift (PUG). Had ringworm when he arrived to us. Pug is two years old. Pug attended basic obedience class at Rooming and Grooming. Pug enjoys to play soccer and catch the soccer ball. Pug also enjoys running more than one mile.