The Boston Who Learned Rules and Boundaries

Name: Tammy M.

Dog’s Name: Baxter

City: Belton

Zip Code: 76513

Breed: Boston Terrier

Likes: Food, Petting, Walks, Naps and Back Scratches

Pet-Peeves: Loud Noises and Small Children

Favorite Toy: Rope and Chew Toys

Favorite Treat: Pupironies and Snosages

Favorite Walk: Neighborhood and Trails

Best Tricks: Handshake and Jump

Arrival Story: Picked up Baxter at the taco bell parking lot from a girl in Moody. We got him to be a friend for Winston, our other Boston.  Baxter is a thief, does not like to listen and does what he wants.

Bio: Baxter is four years old and very spoiled.