Training Your Rottie Puppy!

Name: Marc and Nicki Losa

Dog’s Name: Tank

City: Harker Heights

Zip: 76548

Breed: Rottweiler

Likes: Food, cuddling, riding in the truck

Favorite Toy: Animals without stuffing, anything that squeaks

Favorite Treat: Beef, rawhide, scooby snacks

Favorite Walk: To the mailbox and around the neighborhood

Best Tricks: Sit, shake

Arrival Story: Got Tank in Austin at 4 weeks old and he quickly learned that the Shihtzus steal every toy off of him! He is extremely spoiled as the boy of the family!

Bio: Tank is a sweet boy who loves waking the kids up for school in the morning and shaking for his treats! He loves to snuggle on the couch at night to watch tv!

Motto: “Help! Those little dogs are chasing me again!”