Why Do Dogs Like Eating Grass?

While there is no clear, scientific answer for why dogs enjoy eating grass, it’s theorized they’re looking for some extra fiber in their diet, inducing vomiting, or it’s simply a compulsive behavior. While grass does have a few nutrients, it does not help Fido’s diet and is more likely to cause bad gas than vomiting! Many pet parents believe grass-eating is how dogs familiarize themselves with their surroundings or because they started the bad habit as a puppy. Use this article as a guide to why dogs eat grass, tips for stopping your dog from ingesting grass, and the dangers of grass consumption.

Why is my Dog Eating Grass?

The American Kennel Club outlines six reasons dogs eat on the grass outside: diet deficiency, need for fiber, instinct, antacid, boredom, and tasty treat. Veterinarians theorize dogs eat non-food items when they’re experiencing a lack of nutrients or essential vitamins in their diet. If your dog is constantly eating the grass outside, ensure their food provides a balanced meal by comparing the ingredients to this article, Understanding Dog Food Labels.

Diet Imbalance

Along with those vitamins and minerals, Fido could simply be experiencing a lack of fiber in its diet. Fiber helps push the digestive tract forward; without fiber, your pup may be experiencing tummy aches from feeling constipated. Try giving them more fibrous treats or food toppers to deter them from eating your landscaping.

Natural Instincts/Boredom

Dogs eat grass because they’re wired to try things in their environment. Dogs are naturally omnivores, so they normally chew on some plants outside when exploring. Likewise, it’s typical for bored dogs to eat grass when they lack stimulation outside. If your dog likes to be outside for extended periods of time, make sure they have a toy or distraction to keep them from your flowerbeds or try to monitor their behavior.

Upset Stomach

Another point worth mentioning is that several dogs eat grass as an antacid on an empty stomach. This theory was most commonly used for why dogs eat grass over the last thirty years; however, recently, it was proven that only a small number of pets throw up from the grass. If your furry friend is experiencing an upset stomach, do not give them grass, and call your Vet.


Finally, the last reason, probably most likely, is that dogs eat grass because they like it! Dogs like to eat fruits and vegetables, so of course, they’ll try anything that looks edible!

Is Grass Dangerous for Dogs?

To sum all of this information up, eating grass is not dangerous for dogs, as long as it’s in small doses. The most common way that grass harms dogs is if you have herbicide or pesticide treatments on your grass, those can be extremely poisonous and would be emergency room worthy. Eating small amounts of grass every now and then won’t harm your dog, but copious quantities will ultimately lead to a bad, upset stomach ache. If your dog is out in the yard eating grass like a lawnmower, that would qualify as a problem, and we recommend talking to your Vet about it.