How to Keep Your Dog Safe

How to Keep Your Dog SafeEvery dog owner wants their furry friend to be happy and safe.

Whether your dog is small and excitable or big and cuddly, we all have special bonds with our dogs, and we want them to be safe, healthy and happy. When most people think of their dog’s safety, they think of keeping them away from people and animals who might harm them and out of traffic, but there’s a lot more to safety than many dog moms and dads think. Luckily, Sit Means Sit Milwaukee is here to help. Here are a few things you can do as a dog owner to keep your furry friend safe:

#1. Get your dog spayed or neutered.

There would probably be nothing cuter in the world than miniature versions of your dog wobbling around your home, and while we all love puppies, there are a lot of risks involved in deciding to forego spaying or neutering your dog. Not only is there a very real risk that they could have puppies that you would then have to care or find homes for, but there are many diseases, including certain types of cancer, that spaying or neutering eliminates the risks of.

#2. Enroll your dog in dog obedience classes.

Dog training is more than just about if your dog can play dead or roll over; it’s essential for your dog’s safety. Dog obedience training teaches your dog to listen to you, which helps to prevent them from running out in the street or getting hurt in a whole host of other situations when it’s necessary for your dog to listen to your commands.How to Keep Your Dog Safe 2

#3. Keep up with your dog’s vaccinations and heartworm medication.

What are the chances of your dog actually getting rabies? They’re probably not that high, but rabies is fatal in every mammal, so is it really worth the risk? Other diseases dogs are vaccinated for, like Distemper and Parvo, are much more common, so it’s important that you make sure that your dog is up to date on their vaccines. Additionally, all it takes is one mosquito bite, and your dog could get heartworm, so ensure that you are taking the proper preventative measures by giving your dog heartworm medication.

#4. Keep your dog’s tag and microchip up to date.

Dogs occasionally get lost, even when you’ve done everything in your power to make sure it never happens. For situations like these, the best way to be prepared is to ensure that your dog’s tags and microchip are up to date with your most current contact information. The last thing that you want is for your dog to be lost and you are unreachable because you changed your phone number.

At Sit Means Sit, we can provide you with the obedience training your dog needs.

While we can’t spay or neuter your dog, or give them their heartworm medication, we can help to keep your dog safe by providing them with the professional and effective training you’ve been looking for. We offer a variety of classes, and our methods are proven to provide immediate and lasting results. Contact us today to learn more.