Is Your Dog Bad or Just Bored?


At Sit Means Sit, we teach dog obedience classes in Milwaukee that address a variety of unwanted dog behaviors, from biting and aggression to chewing and digging. Proper training is key to eliminating these behaviors, but understanding what the underlying cause of these behaviors is is also essential. In fact, many of the behaviors we often associate with “bad dogs” could be a sign that your dog is simply bored. The following is a list of “bad behaviors” that could also indicate that your dog is bored:

#1. Constant Barking or Whining

When your dog is bored, they are likely to tell you the only way they know how — by barking or whining. Dogs are not able to talk to us to explain what they need, and if your dog is barking at you incessantly or following you around the house whimpering or whining, chances are, they need something. If they are fed, watered and have been taken outside to relieve themselves, the likelihood is high that they are bored and in need of some play time.

#2. Destroying Your Home

Have you ever come home to find that your couch has been chewed to shreds, the stuffing pulled out and dispersed across your floor? Have you ever come home to the trash strewn across the kitchen or maybe even a pile of half-eaten shoes? When your dog is left at home alone all day without stimulation or exercise, they will often resort to less than ideal pastimes to relieve their boredom.

#3. Compulsive Behavior

Whether your dog is constantly licking your arm, barking, digging, chewing or chasing their tail, any repetitive, compulsive behavior is a red flag that your dog is bored. In many cases, these compulsive behaviors are just extreme versions of things your dog normally does, like chewing a bone or digging. These behaviors are your dog’s way of entertaining themselves.

#4. Jumping on People

If your dog has randomly started jumping on people when they never have before, it might be a sign that your dog is simply bored. While, in some cases, jumping up on people might be aggressive, in bored dogs, it’s usually just their way of saying,”I’m here! Pay attention to me!”

#5. Breaking the Rules

Dogs are often like small children. When a child is bored and wants to get your attention, they will often intentionally break the rules in order to get some kind of reaction out of you — any kind of reaction. Dogs do the exact same thing when they’re bored. When your dog knows they are doing something they aren’t supposed to and is watching you to gauge your reaction, it’s a dead giveaway that they are just trying to get a rise out of you to relieve their boredom.

If your dog is exhibiting any of the above behaviors, ensure that you make it a point to give them plenty of love, attention and exercise every day. It also helps to provide them with a variety of chew toys to keep them entertained when you’re not home. However, this doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t need obedience training, so don’t forget to sign up for one of our obedience training classes in Milwaukee!

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