Why Do Dogs Excessively Bark?

A little barking is normal, but what causes a dog to bark excessively?

No dog owner should expect their dog to be completely silent 100 percent of the time. That’s like expecting your child to never talk. However, if your dog barks for 10 straight minutes every time someone drives past your house, then you might have a problem. The first step to learning how to stop excessive barking is to learn what causes it. Here are a few of the most common causes of excessive barking:

#1. Your dog is trying to protect their territory.

If your dog is barking excessively to try to protect their territory, then they might bark more and more as an animal or person comes close to your home, yard or anywhere else your dog may consider their territory. In these cases, your dog will probably appear alert and, sometimes, even aggressive.

#2. Your dog is lonely or bored.

Dogs are very social animals, and if your dog is left alone for too long, they can become bored and lonely. In these cases, excessive barking is your dog’s way of trying to get your attention and possibly even entertain themselves by creating a little bit of drama. Check out our previous blog to learn about a few other signs that your dog might be bored.

#3. Your dog wants or needs something.

Your dog can’t come right out and tell you that they want to be fed or played with. They also can’t tell you that they need to go outside, or that they are sick or in pain. If your dog is excessively barking, try to figure out if they might want or need anything before you take any further steps.

#4. Your dog has separation anxiety.

A dog that has separation anxiety will often excessively bark when they are left by themselves. A few other signs of separation anxiety in dogs include repetitive movements (like running in circles), depression, destructiveness, pacing and inappropriate elimination.

What can you do about excessive barking?

One of the best things you can do to correct any behavioral problem in your dog is to enroll you and your pooch in our dog obedience classes in Milwaukee. Here are a couple of other tips for dealing with excessive barking:

  • Avoid shouting – When you shout at your dog, they think you’re just barking along with them. Instead, teach them a one-word command, like “quiet,” and when their barking gets out of control, say that command firmly and calmly.
  • Exercise – A tired dog is much less likely to excessively bark or engage in other behaviors that are less than ideal. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise each and every day.
  • Don’t wait – Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away, and the longer you brush a behavior, like excessive barking, under the rug, the more ingrained it will be in your dog.
  • Talk to your veterinarian – Excessive barking is, in most cases, a behavioral issue, but it could also be your dog’s way of telling you that they are hurt or sick, so a good place to start is by taking them to see the vet.

Sign up for the right dog obedience class for you and your furry friend online today!