Sauces From Your Fridge that You Can Add to Fido’s Food

Do you ever have trouble getting your companion to eat their kibble? Dry food provides a balanced diet and is more shelf stable than canned, cooked, or raw food. But, sometimes your pal wants something yummier than kibble. So, what can you add to your four-legged friend’s food to make it tastier?

Chicken Broth

Chicken broth is a great source of protein and is a common ingredient in dog food. Protein is essential to keep your pal’s diet healthy and balanced. Just ensure that the broth is low-sodium! If your pal consumes too much salt, it can lead to salt poisoning or dehydration. While you may love a salty snack, it is best to leave it out of Fido’s diet.

Apple Sauce

Apples are a great source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants for your pal. However, apple seeds can be poisonous to your pal. So, if you make homemade apple sauce, be sure to remove all of the seeds. Additionally, whether you make or buy apple sauce for your pal, ensure that it is unsweetened. Your companion doesn’t require additional sugar in their diet. Kibble is already well-balanced. Apple sauce will just make it tastier!

Tomato Juice

Plain, ripe tomatoes make a flavorful treat for Fido! Avoid green tomatoes and juices with additional ingredients. Something natural with no added salt or sugar is best. You can even do it yourself and add some love!

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that make a great snack! However, fresh pineapple and pineapple juice should be given to your furry friend in moderation. Too much can cause nausea and diarrhea for your pal. But, a little at a time makes a great treat!

Canned Fish Liquid

The fish liquid is full of fatty acids which have many health benefits. Additionally, it smells and tastes great to your pal! However, ensure that the fish is cooked to ensure a safe and yummy treat!

Kibble is a popular and balanced choice when it comes to dog food. But, it can get boring when your pal eats it every day. So, consider adding some of the sauces listed above to keep things fun!