Preparing Your Dog for Back to School

Preparing Your Dog for Back to School

Like kiddos, our pup’s days adjust when it’s time for school! Keep reading to find our best tips on how to prepare Fido for back to school. 

Adjust to the new schedule. 

Before school starts, ease your pup into the new school year schedule. Move their wake-up times earlier so your furry friends get used to the frantic hustle and bustle of school mornings. A way to get Fido used to getting up earlier is to exercise. Take your pup on a vigorous morning walk to get their heart pumping and get them ready for the day. Set a new feeding time in the morning. This incentivizes your pup into getting up and at ’em earlier in the morning. 

Keep your pup calm and content

A new change in a schedule can make Fido anxious and upset. While we think giving extra cuddles and attention to our furry friends before we leave can keep them at ease, it has the opposite effect. Don’t make a huge deal of coming and going. Instead, keep things calm. This will keep your pup calm and content before they start their day.

Keep Fido entertained

If your pup spends the school day home alone, keep him busy. Bordem in dogs can sometimes lead to destructive tendencies. One way to keep your dog entertained is independent play. Stock up on toys Fido can play with all by himself, such as a Kong or doggy puzzles! If your pup is used to a noisy house, turn on the TV! While our furry friends don’t really know what’s happening in our favorite shows, the constant lights and noise will keep them stimulated!

Invest in training

Training classes stimulate Fido’s mind and teach him how to be home alone. Sit Means Sit offers many different classes for pups of all ages and skill levels. Training in an amazing way to have your pup adjust to the new school year. Not only will your furry friend become better behaved, but it will also get all of your pup’s leftover energy out!

Back-to-school season can be very stressful, especially for our pups. By following these tips, you can prepare Fido for the upcoming school year!