Helping Your Dog's Eyesight

Helping Your Dog’s Eyesight

We’re well aware of our furry friend’s heightened sense of smell and hearing that help them perform their day to day duties, whether that be as a guard dog, hunting dog, or couch cuddler. Even with their strong abilities in other sensory departments, our pups still rely heavily on their vision to get around as smoothly as possible.

Keeping your dog’s eyes healthy is just another responsibility we have as pet parents. While you should always consult your vet if you have concerns about any part of Fido’s health, these are some everyday things to keep in mind for maintaining your dog’s eyesight.

Avoiding Eye Dryness

One easy and simple step you can start taking for the benefit of Fido’s eyesight moisturizing. Dogs with chronically dry eyes can experience decreased vision clarity. If it’s a dry time of the year, you live in a typically dry/dusty climate, or you’ve just noticed your dog’s eyes have been dry – consider canine replacement tears. The extra moisture these eye drops provide can make a significant impact on Fido’s quality of vision.

Zinc, Taurine, & Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You can find all three of these nutrients can be found in cold-water fish, but let’s individually break down the unique qualities and benefits each offers to Fido’s eyesight.


Found in: lentils, spinach, liver, and seafood

  • This mineral can help protect the eyes from harmful light rays and decrease eye inflammation
  • Some vets also claim it can slow down Fido’s vision loss due to an eye disorder


Found in: meat and seafood

  • This amino acid helps protect the retina, and lacking in it can actually lead to retinal degeneration

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Found in: cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, and cod

  • Critical for cellular regeneration
  • About 1/3 of the fatty acids that make up the retina are comprised of the Omega-3 DHA


Eyebright is a flowering plant, also known as Euphrasia, so the name in itself already suggests it has eyesight benefits. It’s known to help with seasonal allergies that cause eye irritation. Usually, you purchase this plant in tea form, brew it, and wet a soft piece of cotton with it to be applied to as a topical compress. It can also be sprinkled on Fido’s food in powder or tea form.

But just like any of these other suggestions – consult with your dog’s vet first to ensure it’ll fit into their diet.


Found in: leafy greens and brightly colored fruits and veggies 

Carotenoids are pigments that plants and algae produce. Carotenoids like lutein, astaxanthin, and zeaxanthin are antioxidant-rich compounds that are thought to help reduce the risk of cataracts and protect the eye from sun damage.

Blueberries & Bilberries

Even though blueberries and bilberries sound and look incredibly similar, they offer different benefits.


  • A great source of carotenoids and zinc (mentioned above)
  • Can help support your dog’s night vision
  • Could slow macular degeneration
  • Also, canines tend to love these little berries


  • Assists with preserving night vision and eye focusing abilities
  • Some vets recommend this berry when a dog is in the early stages of vision loss due to cataracts or macular degeneration

If you’re ever not sure if you should be feeding your pup something, or are concerned about dosages – always talk to your vet first to get their opinion, they’re the expert on your dog’s health.