How to Help Soothe Your Puppy’s Teething Pain

Puppies are energetic balls of fur that bring joy into their dog parents’ homes. And, unfortunately, with puppies comes teething. It can be painful to see your pup go through the aches of teething. But, there are some store-bought and home remedies to help your adorable little fuzzy one through their growing pains. Read on to find the best tips for soothing your puppy’s teething aches.

Natural Remedies

Frozen Fruits & Veggies

One of the best treats for taste and soothing your pup’s teeth and gums is frozen fruits or vegetables. While not every food is dog-friendly, there are a few Fido-approved staples you can count on like blueberries or carrots! You may also want to try cold/frozen cut-up:

  • Strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Apple slices without seeds
  • Cucumbers

Puppy Ice Pops

Like frozen fruits and vegetables, homemade frozen ice pops are a great option! These treats can be made with frozen fruits or veggies, plain non-fat yogurt, and low-sodium chicken broth. Simply combine your selected ingredients in a blender and refreeze the treats in a silicone mold to serve up after they’re firm. Here are some recipes that will leave your pup licking their lips and not their gums!

Ice chips can also be useful for soothing your dog’s mouth but in small amounts and sizes! Ice should also be used in moderation as it can sometimes be too harsh if eaten frequently.

Teething Gel

A natural teething gel can be a great option to help safely soothe gums. Teething gel works by reducing inflammation, soreness, and destructive chewing all while calming the effects of the growing process.

Frozen Towel

A small, frozen towel is one of the oldest tricks in the book for soothing poor puppies’ teeth aches. To use this DIY trick, get a clean and appropriately sized towel (like a washcloth), soak it, wring it out, give the towel a twist, and then place it into the freezer until firm. Your dog will appreciate having something cool to chew on to calm their gums and satisfy their chewing needs.

Toys Made For Teething

If your dog’s not one for quiet time during their teething phase, then they’ll most likely appreciate some toys they can sink their teeth into. Look for toys that are firm enough for chewing, toxin-safe, and flexible. A sturdier toy is best for teething as it provides much-needed relief when your pup takes to chewing.

Whatever remedies you try with your pup, just remember to be patient with them and expect to baby them through the process. Some puppy’s teething is harder than others so be sure to get them relief and consult your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about their health!