Should I Clean My Dog's Teeth?

Should I Clean My Dog’s Teeth?

Taking care of your oral health is part of taking care of your overall health. The same applies to dogs and cats. It is important to brush their teeth at home and have their teeth professionally cleaned. Not cleaning their teeth can lead to health problems.

It is recommended to brush your dog’s teeth 2-3 times per week and have them professionally cleaned once a year. If left unchecked, dental disease could be present as early as the age of 2.

The following guidelines are great for introducing your dog to teeth brushing.

  1. Start by gathering your supplies. Human toothpaste can upset a pet’s stomach, so be sure to buy pet specific toothpaste. Pet toothbrushes are also smaller and softer.
  2. If your dog doesn’t automatically allow you to brush his teeth, start by massaging their lips then progressing to gums and teeth in slow circular motions for up to a minute. This may take a few weeks until they are comfortable.
  3. When it’s time to introduce toothpaste, let your dog taste it and immediately reward with praise and a treat. Do this a for a few days then put the toothpaste on the toothbrush, and let them taste it. Same thing, reward the taste.
  4. Just as with the massaging, start brushing in small circular motions. Gently lift your dog’s lip to clean the outside and gumline. Talk to your dog through the process. Only brush for 10-15 seconds at a time, stopping for petting and praise.

Some dogs just refuse to let you near their teeth. If this is the case, there are food and water additives and dental chews for helping to keep their mouth clean.

Overall, it’s best to make a sincere effort to brush your pet’s teeth. If you’re struggling, contact your vet about recommended methods. The better you take care of each part of your dog, the better overall health your dog will continue to have.