Thanksgiving Activities for Dogs

Thanksgiving Activities for Dogs

Thanksgiving is a special holiday for families to enjoy and be thankful for each other’s company, and that should include your furry family members as well! We’ve compiled some suggestions for activities that you can enjoy with your dog this Thanksgiving. Check it out below!

TV Time

For many people, the television is on all day during Thanksgiving. Whether it’s just background noise for conversation, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, or the latest football game, there is plenty of entertainment on tv all day. One of the best shows to enjoy with your dog during Thanksgiving, though, is the National Dog Show. It airs right after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and your dog will love seeing and hearing other dogs on the tv. They may not have the same attention span for the tv that we do, but your excitement about the show will get your dog excited, too.

A Football Game of Your Own

The NFL football games are exciting and all, but having your own game in your backyard is even better! Get a group of family members to make teams and bring your dog out for the excitement. They will love the excuse to run around outdoors and may even try to get in for a few plays. Weather conditions permitting, family football games are the perfect way to include your dog in the festivities and will burn off some of their energy from being cooped up indoors!

Dog-Friendly Feast

Thanksgiving is the perfect excuse for humans to indulge in some extra treats! It may be tempting to let your dog enjoy some extra table food on the holiday, but it’s important to be careful about what your dog is eating. Make a special plate for your dog to enjoy on their own, and remind family members that many foods consumed on Thanksgiving are not dog-friendly. Turkey breast, green beans, and potatoes are the safest options for their plate, but try to avoid foods that are high in fat or carbohydrate content as they are not good for your dog. If you don’t feel comfortable giving your dog any human food, sneak them some extra dog treats throughout the day to keep them satisfied.

Most popular Thanksgiving activities can be made dog-friendly; you may just have to be a little creative! Enjoy the holidays and don’t forget to remind your pup how thankful you are for them!