Meet Some of the World’s Most Famous Mutts!


Spike was a lop-eared yellow Mastador (Labrador Retriever/ Mastiff mix) and a dog actor best known for his performance as Old Yeller.


Benji is the name of a dog who has been the focus of several movies from 1974 through the 2000s. It is also the title of the first film in the Benji franchise.


Bobbie the Wonder Dog (1921–1927) was a dog from the U.S. state of Oregon who became famous for traveling 2,551 miles (4,105 km) from the state of Indiana, to return to his master’s home in the city of Silverton.



Laika – First Dog in Space

Laika was the first animal put into space by the Russians. It hurts our hearts to think of any animal being used this way. To honor Laika for her sacrifice and suffering, we’re dedicating National Mutt Day 2016 to her memory.



Sinbad was a mixed-breed dog that was one of two animals to be classified as non-commissioned officers by an arm of the United States military.
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