The Family Is Enjoying These Two After Obedience Training!

Lacy & Lily BidgoodSit means Sit has saved our sanity. We got our Lacy a (corgi/dachshund) mix when she was 2 years old from the humane society so she came with some baggage. Peeing on rugs, anxiety, constant begging and no discipline. We had no idea how to control it so we dealt with it. One year later we adopted Lily at 8 weeks a Teacup Yorkie. She immediately became the princess of the house and did whatever she wanted. She learned bad habits quickly from Lacy and before I knew it had 2 dogs begging, not listening and had the run of the house. I constantly was frustrated and yelling at them and wondered what I was thinking. We have a very busy house with 3 teenagers and constant commotion. My husband and I both work full time had just bought a new house and never dreamed we would have time to train. We met Megan at a home show in Tampa and stood back and listened to her for quite awhile and watched her with the commands with her dog. After talking to her for just a few minutes my husband and I immediately liked her and trusted her. We signed up for the free consultation. Megan came to our house a week later and that was it we signed up. That lesson has been a life changer. We immediately saw results out of both dogs. After 2 weeks of training I had Lacy go with Megan for a board and tune up while we were away. Lacy came back a different dog. Now after a month and a half of training I have total control of my house again. With just a few commands the begging has stopped. Lacy no longer has anxiety and although Lily is still the princess she listens now. Sit means Sit and Megan have helped me enjoy my babies and to stop yelling at them. A huge THANK YOU goes out to Megan for helping my family!!

Christy & Glenn Bidgood – Trinity, FL

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