What a Dog's Tail is Saying

What a Dog’s Tail is Saying

Body language is significant for canine communication. One of the ways pups communicate with their body is actually by using their tail. We all know a wagging tail means your pup is happy. However, your dog’s tail can express a wide variety of emotions. Today, we will discuss what different tales are trying to communicate.

Tail Wagging

A wagging tail is the most universal dog body language. It means your pup is happy and in a good mood. Your pooch can also feel excited or welcomed. However, your dog can wag in multiple different ways.

High Wag

A high and wagging tail means your pooch is alert and aware. Pups usually have their tail stuck straight up when they are trying to pay attention or focus.

Helicopter Wag

A helicopter wag is when your pup’s tail wags in a large circle. Sometimes your dog might wiggle their butt while helicopter wagging. The more your Fido wiggles as he wags, the happier he is!

Tail Resting

A rested tail can actually mean a myriad of different emotions, from alert to relaxed. However, you can understand your’s dogs mood due to a few differences. 

Horizontal Tail

A horizontal and stiff tail means your dog is alert. Your furry friend might be looking for a small animal or another dog. Keep an eye on your pup’s other body language when its tail is stiff and horizontal. Pressed-back ears mean your dog is fearful and anxious. If your pup has a relaxed posture, they are most likely just on alert for some fun.

Relaxed/Lower Angle

A relaxed tail means a relaxed dog. A loose tail is the default position for a happy and calm pooch. This is a sign your pup is comfortable and content with life. 

Tucked Tail

Tail Between Legs

If your dog has their tail low and tucked between their legs, it means it is alarmed and scared. Comfort your pup with pets and cuddles, and remove them from the fearful situation.


Do not approach an unknown dog who has a tucked tail. Canines are more likely to attack humans and other dogs while afraid. If your dog is showing signs of being nervous or scared, try to calm them down.

The body language of dogs is critical. It’s the best way to understand your pooch’s mood and emotions. Now, the next time Fido wags his tail, you know exactly what he’s trying to say.