Canine First Aid Kit Designed by Vets

As a safety precaution, we usually have a first aid kit in our homes, our cars, at work, and most places we visit throughout the day just to be sure we are prepared in the event of an accident. However, are we prepared to help our pets when they have an unfortunate accident?

A team of veterinarians teamed up to create a solution for this gap in pet safety with the Uh-Oh Kit.

What is the Uh-Oh Kit?

The Uh-Oh kit is a first-aid kit for dogs that pet owners can have on hand for when their pet needs help. It is meant to be a “medicine cabinet for your dog” that has everything they would need in a time-sensitive situation before you head to the vet.

The Uh-Oh kit contains several pet-safe medications for gastrointestinal distress, allergies, and allergic reactions, as well as pet-safe hydrogen peroxide to induce emergency vomiting.

It also includes several medical tools that you may not otherwise have including pill splitters, thermometers, and oral syringes as well as dosing information for dogs of different sizes.

It has a space for your veterinarian’s contact info, your dog’s medical history, dosing information, and a recordable tracker of your dog’s vital signs. The Uh-Oh kit is meant to be used as a first step before heading to the vet in emergencies and is based used under the advice of a vet either on the phone or through text or email.

Incidents involving your pet’s health and safety are never fun but the Uh-Oh kit is working to ensure that your next incident is smooth sailing.