Is My Dog Drinking Enough Water?

Humans are supposed to drink at least eight glasses per day, but what about our furry friends? Too much water can cause bathroom accidents, but not enough water can lead to dehydration. Dehydration in dogs is unfortunately common because pet parents aren’t providing enough water for Fido. We made a handy-dandy chart to refer to when wondering how much water you should give your pup daily!

Dogs are even more susceptible to dehydration during these heated months, so paying attention to the ratio of water intake to potty breaks and panting is extra essential. Follow these helpful tips to keep your fur baby cool and collected!

Replace & clean your pup’s water every day

Giving Fido fresh H2O every day is sure to pique their interest! Unless you brush your pet’s teeth frequently, their mouths can house many bacteria that can fester in unkept water bowls. It’s crucial to rinse their bowls out every morning to prevent bacteria and germ build-up.

Keep out of the sun

No one likes a glass of warm water after they’ve run around outside! Ensure to keep Fido’s water bowl in a shaded area that keeps it cool. (Plus, the bacteria mentioned above grows faster in warm environments!)

Travel water for your pet

There are hundreds of doggie water bottles on the market right now to aid in keeping your fur baby hydrated at all times! We recommend the MalsiPree Dog Water Bottle or the Kytely Collapsible Dog Bowls to provide your pet water before, during, or after a long walk. These options are dishwasher-safe and easy to use, plus both have five stars on Amazon!

Check out our related articles for keeping your pet hydrated this summer!

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