How To Be a Mindful Dog Walker

How To Be a Mindful Dog Walker

One of our dog’s favorite activities is going on walks. It gets them out of the house and is a good outlet for their pent up energy. They are able to get on their leash and forget all of the other things going on in the world. For us, it is not that easy. While walking our pups, our minds are racing with the worries and concerns of our everyday life. Wouldn’t it be nice is we could if we could be more like four-legged friends and take a relaxing walk just enjoying the present? If you follow these simple steps, you can take a sensory walk to purely relax and leave your troubles behind.

Channel Your Inner Dog

On walks, dogs take in all of their surroundings with all of their senses. Be more like them. Allow yourself to step away from your thoughts and take notice to the things around you. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells. If your pooch senses something, investigate it with them.

Take deep breaths and notice everything you smell. Maybe you’re near a body or water or a fresh cut grass. Take it in an appreciate what is around you. This can help distract you from any troubling issues that could be roaming around in mind.

Take Notice Of Your Surrounding

While enjoying your walk, observe the colors and placement of things. You may find things that you have never noticed before. There could be new flowers growing in your neighbors front lawn, or a new path on your favorite hiking trail. Take mental pictures of everything you discover.

You’ll also want to pay attention to the sounds that you hear. When you see your dog’s ears perk up, take notice; see if you can hear what they are hearing. Be mindful of all the ways the world is trying to communicate with you.

If you are able to use all of your senses on walks and do as your dog does, you’ll find that you will have a much more relaxing and enjoyable walk. You can also create a closer bond with your furry companion.