Goldendoodle Fur Face!

Client’s Name: Annie

Dog’s Name: Murphy

City: Austin

Breed: Goldendoodle

Likes: He loves to hang out with his family, going on walks and earning treats.

Pet-Peeves: He does not like to be separated from his humans.

Favorite Toy: Tennis ball and things that squeak.

Favorite Treat: Dehydrated chicken and bully sticks.

Favorite Walk: Around the neighborhood. There are always other dogs and people to look at and lots to smell.

Best Trick: Shake, hugs and place.

Arrival Story: We have always wanted a goldendoodle for our two boys, so we bought him from a reputable breeder here in Texas. We are in love.

Why Training with Sit Means Sit: We referred by a friend and needed to lay the groundwork for a happy well rounded dog for life.

Motto: Work hard, play harder!