Lab Pointer Mix Hasn’t Left A Treat Puzzle Unsolved!

Belle PellacaniClient’s Name:Genny

Dog’s Name: “Belle

City: Austin

Breed: Lab and Pointer Mix

Likes:Running and walking with Mom and Dad, runs while my Dad rides his bike, snoring, and getting into the BBQ grill.

Pet-Peeves:Squirrels just out of range and mice leaving their scent in the yard.

Favorite Toy:Nyla bone and food and treat puzzles.

Favorite Treat: Anything she can get, but mostly Puparoni and Milkbone.

Favorite Walk: Around the house and the nearby trails and dog parks!

Best Trick: Army crawl across the room.

Arrival Story: We fell in love with her at the Heart of Texas Lab Rescue and she got along great with our daughter’s dog Clyde and they continue to be best buds.

Why Training with Sit Means Sit:We needed to understand a better way to get her to focus her energy on walks so she would stop pulling.

Motto:Sandbagger…she nailed everything Carrie was showing in her first lesson and opened our eyes to how much we could be doing with her to keep her happy and healthy.