Labrador Retriever Armpit Licker!

Judge PurvisClient’s Name:Leigh

Dog’s Name: “Judge”

City: Austin

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Likes:People speaking in Russian on TV, especially in the smash FX hit, The Americans, the hockey player PK Subban, frozen broccoli, peanut butter, snuggles with mom and dad, licking armpits.

Pet-Peeves:Excessive activity, turning around in tight spaces, walking near storm drains, when my humans throw my toy.

Favorite Toy:Armpits, rawhides. Rawhides. Do rawhides count as toys?

Favorite Treat: I can pick a favorite?! Too hard. I love them all.

Favorite Walk: Red Bud Isle, Town Lake Trail, the walk to the vet, any city street. So many smells!

Best Trick: Can now “place” on a rock! He’s not overly thrilled about it but his parents are.

Why Training with Sit Means Sit:We reached out to Sit Means Sit because Judge is a lovable dude, but very stubborn. He demanded to be the center of our universe at all times, which led to problems, as we both work at home. After two weeks at Board and Train, we are blown away. It’s only been a couple days, but we’ve seen marked improvement in his demeanor overall. Today, he was attentive, but not demanding of our attention. He placed on various objects throughout the house, sat when commanded to do so, walked on a loose leash and more. We can’t wait to see what the next few months of group classes bring!