Shiba Inu Enjoys Dancing!

Remy BuretaClient’s Name:AJ

Dog’s Name: Remy

City: Leander

Breed: Shiba Inu

Likes:TREATS, walks/sniffing, being petted, laying in the sun.

Pet-Peeves:Water (other than drinking), people touching his paws, dogs in his bubble.

Favorite Toy:Usually something soft and tug-of-war’ish…but it’ll only captivate him for a few minutes.

Favorite Treat: Almost anything – variety works best.

Favorite Walk: Anywhere he can sniff where other dogs have been. Tends to prefer shorter walks when it’s hot.

Best Trick: Dance/Twirl. He’s really good at Wait, but it’s kind of boring.

Arrival Story: I got him from a breeder, Pat Doescher, in WI; then we moved down to TX after a year.

Why Training with Sit Means Sit:He’s got dog aggression issues that need to be addressed and corrected. Secondarily, his alpha/dominance status needs to play a less significant role.

Motto:Gimme Treats!