– Two Beautiful German Shepherd Dogs

Picture of German Shepherd Dogs Charlie and Elka
“Charlie” & “Elka”

Client’s Name: Art & Susan Canizales

Dogs Name: “Charlie” & “Elka”

City: Austin, TX 78730

Breed: German Shepherd Dog

Likes: Long Walks

Pet-Peeves: People and animals at the fence.

Favorite Toy: Chuck-It

Favorite Treat: Cookies

Favorite Walk: Green belt.

Best Trick: High Five | Playing Dead

Arrival Story: Elka’s previous owner was a college student in an apartment and she needed money for a ticket home. Charlie’s previous owner had to move and didn’t want to shelter her so we took her in.

Why Training / Sit Means Sit: To be better citizens – e.g. nicer on walks around other dogs, able to be off leash and friendly at the fence.