Labrador Retriever Loyal Companion!

Client’s Name: Liliana

Dog’s Name: Buddy

City: Cedar Park

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Likes: Food
Being Chased
Playing with kids and other dogs

Pet-Peeves: Vacuum cleaner
Blow dryer

Favorite Toy: Kong toys,
Water bottles

Favorite Treat: Peanut Butter

Favorite Walk: Any nature trail that has a lake or pond. He loves to swim

Best Trick: Spin
Touch things

Arrival Story: We bought him about 1 year ago, We had been wanting to get a dog for a long time but had no space. We moved into a town home with back yard so we could get one. We tried to adopt, but wanted a Labrador and could not find one that we liked so we ended up buying one from a breeder. He is our baby

Why Training with Sit Means Sit: He is a good dog, but now that he is one year he is very large and heavy, and when he jumps on people or tries to play with them, hes too rough and does not know how to calm down when hes very excited.

Motto: Clumsy, loyal and food motivated!