Pet Tech – CPR, First Aid & Care for Dogs & Cats

Sit Means Sit Dog Training in Austin and San Antonio Texas is now offering Pet Tech PetSaver™ and First Aid & CPR classes…Pet Tech is the first international training center for CPR, First Aid and Care for dogs and cats. There are over 400 Instructors across the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Australia and New Zealand teaching our pet CPR, first aid & care programs.

Pet First Aid is the immediate care given to a pet that has been injured or suddenly taken ill. This includes home care and when necessary, veterinary help. Knowing the skills and techniques of pet first aid can mean the difference between life and death; temporary and permanent disability; and expensive veterinarian bills and reasonable home care. “It is estimated that 1 out of 4 more pets could be saved if just one basic skill or technique was applied before receiving veterinarian care,” stated Thom Somes, “The Pet Safety Guy™.”

The skills and techniques of Pet CPR, First Aid & Care are best learned through lecture, demonstration and hands-on skill practice. The Pet Tech PetSaver Training includes: restraint and muzzling, CPR, rescue breathing, choking management, heat injuries (1st, 2nd, 3rd degree burns and heat stroke), cold injuries (frost bite and hypothermia), shock management, bleeding injuries, establishing a relationship with your veterinarian, putting together your pet first aid kit, senior care, dental care and more.

The number one cause of death and disability for pets is preventable accidents! “Pets play an important role in our life as our best friends, members of our family and lifelong companions. Let’s do our part and educate pet owners so they can provide their pets with the best possible care,” explained Thom Somes, “The Pet Safety Guy.”

If you would like to interview me or receive more information, please contact us.