Kat & Memphis

Client Name: Kat Comstock

City: Temple

Zip Code: 76504

State: Tx

Dogs Name/Nickname: Memphis

Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix

Likes: Running, training, cuddling

Pet-Peeves: Dogs that are aggressive

Favorite Toys: Tennis balls, Frisbee, monkey

Favorite Treat: Greenies

Favorite Walk: Any walk with people, water, and other animals. He loves to go anywhere.

Best Tricks: Weave through legs in stride, spread ‘em, controlled from a distance work.

Arrival Story: Memphis was 52 pounds of emaciated stray pup in a kennel in Seattle, that was about to be closed. Memphis had worms of all sorts, desperately needed to eat and be separated from other aggressive dogs in the shelter. Initially he was dog aggressive and anxious.

Bio: He has developed into a leader of his pack @ home in Seattle, 80 pounds, and comfortable around other animals. Memphis loves to train, learn new tricks, and improve. He is desperate to please. Tail waggin’ non-stop!

Motto: “Life saver.”