Kim & Buddy

Client Name: Kim Johnson

City: Temple

Zip Code: 76502

State: Tx

Dogs Name/Nickname: Buddy (Buddy Wayne)

Breed: Border Collie

Likes: Food, Treats, Balls, Cats

Pet-Peeves: Waiting for treats

Favorite Toys: Ball on string, Stuffed Squirrel

Favorite Treat: Beef jerky

Favorite Walk: Morning run

Best Tricks: Down

Arrival Story: Buddy was a rescue from Dallas. He was a sick puppy and lived at the vet for 2 weeks before being healthy enough to come home. Now he is a healthy bouncing lively border collie.

Bio: Buddy lives with my husband and I – empty nesters. He loves long walks, riding in cars, and is very friendly. His curious nature gets him in trouble. He learns quickly and tries to please us.
Motto: “There is no telling how smart he is!”