The Best Dog Halloween Costumes

With Halloween right around the corner, you are probably brainstorming ways for your pooch to get in on the fun. Thankfully, there are tons of different options for you to get Fido an awesome costume! Here are some of our favorites. 

Business Suit

If your pooch is a sophisticated business person at heart, get them a costume to match their vibe! This costume will have your pup taking care of business. 


If your dog is super cute, turn them into a superhero with these adorable costumes. Choose between either a Wonder Woman or Superman dog costume that matches your furry friend’s vibe. 

Police Dog

If you have a guard dog, get them a costume that gives them some authority with this police dog costume!

Disney Princess

If your dog is treated like royalty around the house, this costume will be perfectly appropriate for them. 

Happy Cow

If your dog’s ultimate life goal is to be a spotted farm animal this Halloween, then they are in luck! Fulfill your pup’s dreams with this dairy cow costume!


If your pooch is more papal than playful, give them a costume that’ll allow them to level up to their highest self with this Pope costume. 


Is your pup an angel who can do no wrong? Then get them this angelic outfit to look the part.


Give your dog some added sizzle with this delicious-looking bacon costume that will be a hit on Halloween night! 


If your pooch loves to chase squirrels around the yard, give them a costume of their favorite pastime to enjoy the holiday. 

Teddy Bear

If your pup is as cuddly as a fluffy teddy bear, give them a costume to match their vibe. You won’t be able to resist the cuddles in this costume. 

There are tons of super fun costumes that you can try out for your pooch this Halloween. Your dog will be the best-dressed pup on the block when you head out to go trick or treating!