How to Keep Fido Safe this Halloween

Halloween is supposed to be a fun holiday full of costumes, candy, and community. However, without the proper precautions, it can be more of a nightmare than a daydream for our beloved pets.

Here are the best ways to keep Fido safe this Halloween.

Keep Fido Out of The Candy

Candy may smell like a delicious treat to your pup, but it can mean big trouble for their tummies. In order to keep them out, try storing your candy in dog-proof containers, keeping it in your upper cabinets or on the top shelf of your pantry, and keeping them out of your trash cans.

Candy contains many ingredients that are harmful to dogs, so as much as they may want to have a taste, better to skip the candy. If you want Fido to join in on the Halloween fun, try preparing some fun Halloween treats to get in the spooky spirit.

Keep Your Pup Away From the Door

With people coming and going from your front porch all night, it’s probably a good idea to keep your dog confined to a separate area of the house away from the trick-or-treaters and commotion at the front door.

All of the noise and chaos can easily cause anxiety for dogs which can lead to behaviors like barking, chewing, biting, or trying to run away. In order to aid this, keep Fido in a room with the door closed and some soothing music playing. This should hopefully drown out some of the noise and keep their stress levels down.

Keep the Pumpkins Out of Reach

While pumpkins are not inherently bad for dogs, in large quantities they can definitely cause some intestinal issues and some upset tummies. To avoid this, keep the pumpkins somewhere where Fido can’t get to them.

Beware of Jack-O-Lanterns

Jack-O-Lanterns are a super fun craft that the whole family can get in on. Carving pumpkins and lighting them up on the porch is a Halloween tradition. However, with Fido in the mix, opt for battery-operated candles instead. An open flame and a dog usually don’t mix. In order to avoid any potential accidents, go for a fake flame instead.

Be Careful with Costumes

Only put your pet in a Halloween costume if you know they will be comfortable with it and it will not add anxiety to their night. This can cause unwanted behaviors.

Also, be sure that your dog’s costume does not limit their sight, mobility, or their ability to breathe or walk. Ensure they do not include any potential choking hazard and let your dog put on the costume a few times before Halloween night so they can get used to it.

Take off the costume immediately if your dog starts showing signs of not liking the costume or being uncomfortable.

If you follow these safety tips, you are sure to have a great night with your pup. Happy Halloween!