Boo the Lab Mix from Lancaster, OH


Client’s Name: Valerie Winston

Dog’s Name: Boo

City: Lancaster, OH

Breed: Lab Mix

Likes: I love food and stealing socks!

Pet Peeves: When my owner takes the socks away.

Favorite Toy: My rope and jolly ball

Favorite Treat: Any good one.

Favorite Walk: I love to run in my family’s back field.

Best Trick: I am learning, however, I do a mean high five.

Arrival Story: Somebody threw me along the rode near Logan when I was 6-8 weeks old. A friend ,of my now human mom, texted her to let her know what they had found. She came and picked me up at the Riverside Mall at 10:00 pm during a thunderstorm and tornado warning.
Bio: I have never met a person or dog that I don’t like. I came to my new family shortly after they lost their 15 1/2 year old German Shorthair. My human mom told me I had some really big paws to fill! I am on my way to becoming a loving companion, friend, and family member!

Motto: “To Err is Human, to Forgive is Canine”