Mikey the Toy Poodle

Client’s Name: Terry, Jackie, and Lia Bovinet

Dog’s Name: Mikey

City: Powell, OH, 43065

Breed: Toy Poodle

Likes: Running in circles around the house and chasing bunnies.

Pet Peeves: Musical McDonald’s toy and squirrels on the patio.

Favorite Toy: His blue ball and tennis balls.

Favorite Treat: Apples, peanut butter, and popcorn.

Favorite Walk: Pony Prance.

Best Trick: High Five.

Arrival Story: Mikey was Lia’s 5th birthday gift. His AKC name is Lia’s Fifth Gift.

Bio: Mikey has survived several near catastrophes! He was hit in the head with a golf ball, attacked by a deer, he swallowed a needle that punctured his stomach, and he was nearly hit by a car! Poor little Mikey!

Motto: Nine lives, Baby!