George the Weimaraner/Boxer Mix – Upper Arlington, OH

Client’s Name: Ian Maute

Dog’s Name: George

City: Upper Arlington, OH, 43221

Breed: Weimaraner/Boxer Mix

Likes: Ice, bugs, and climbing on the back of a couch.

Pet Peeves: The A/C, cars, and baths.

Favorite Toy: A big blue ball, and sticks.

Favorite Treat: Bil Jac treats, and Greenies.

Favorite Walk: Around the block.

Best Trick: Catching ice cubes.

Arrival Story: George was adopted from the rescue group New Leash on Life.

Bio: George is such a funny dog! He will tear up a woodpile just to find his sticks, and then scatter them all over the yard.

Motto: No wood pile is safe!