Toby the Maltese/Yorkie – Lancaster, OH

Client’s Name: Robin Walter

Dog’s Name: Toby a.k.a. Tobster, Porkie Morkie, Lil’ Monster, and Toby Teeth

City: Lancaster, OH, 43130

Breed: Maltese/Yorkie (Morkie)

Likes: Chewing on Rudy, Snacks, Water, Playing, Mud.

Pet Peeves: Rudy having what Toby wants.

Favorite Toy: Everything! Especially if Rudy has it.

Favorite Treat: Everything!

Favorite Walk: Walk? Why walk when you can RUN?!

Best Trick: Toby plays poor pathetic helpless pup when he wants something.

Arrival Story: For Robin’s birthday last year, her husband told her he was getting her a 1967 Ford Mustang. Instead, he bought her this little furball that looks like an Ewok.

Bio: Toby Teeth is such a funny little dog, with a big and fun loving personality. You just can’t help but smile when he’s around.

Motto: Go Play!