Tracer the Mix Breed from Pickerington, OH

Client’s Name: Mattie and Tony Little

Dog’s Name: Tracer

City: Pickerington, OH

Breed: Mix Breed

Likes: Going “bye bye” to see her Gama and Gamp in Bremen, going for walks, snuggling on the couch, and playing with her brother and sister felines.

Pet Peeves: Kids running up and down her fence line! She is a protector!

Favorite Toy: Nyla bone and “Indestructible treat ball”
Favorite Treat: Ice cube, she will make you pay the toll whenever you go to get ice, also organic treats like Venison jerky.

Favorite Walk: Through the woods at her Gama and Gampa’s off leash!

Best Trick: Wrapping paws around your waist and slow dancing with mommy

Arrival Story:Mommy was driving to work one morning when she received a picture message from my new daddy of an adorable 10 week old puppy. After looking at the picture and going “AWWWWWW” Mommy’s phone rang and she heard “Can I get her?” At first Mommy tried to tell Daddy of all the work a puppy will need as well as the time and attention, and lock of space in an apartment at the time but daddy was insisting an answer! After a hesitate yes, it was hours later after the work day was over that Mommy and me met and have been inseparable, best friends.

Bio:I am the middle child of 3. I’m stuck with 2 felines but they are my buddies. I’m not sure what all breeds I have in me but I am loyal, loving, protective, energetic, lap dog who loves sleeping in bed with my parents. I’m just a little over a year old and I love to run all day when I can on my Gama and Gampa’s property. I prefer to be a country dog. Living in the “burbs” after being in the country off leash often makes me sad which is why my parents allow me to spend as much time with my Gama and Gampa as possible. I’m not spoiled…OK I am.

Motto:It is what it is!