Does My Dog Have Anxiety?

Does My Dog Have Anxiety?

Is your pooch just high strung or do they deal with dog anxiety? Yes, just like humans, dogs can have anxiety. You may think of dog anxiety as the nervousness your pup may face when they are in an unfamiliar situation or there are fireworks going off in your neighborhood. But dog anxiety can also be destructive tendencies, barking, whining, compulsive chewing, indoor bathroom use, etc.

Dealing with the effects of dog anxiety is not fun or easy for you or your pup. So what can you do to help your dog feel more at ease? Here are some tips for helping you deal with an anxious dog more effectively.

Training For Dogs With Anxiety

Crate Training

Crate Training your dog can help create a familiar and safe environment for them to find comfort in when they feel anxious.

Positive Reinforcement

Positively comforting your dog will do more good in getting them to ease their anxiety than scolding. Positive reinforcement training teaches your dog to want to replicate the behaviors they were praised for, like being calm or winding down.


Some dogs are more relaxed in a group setting, with other dogs, because it provides them a distraction. This can help with socializing your dog and easing separation anxiety! It’s also a fun opportunity to have their playtime and decrease anxious feelings.

At-Home Remedies For Anxious Dogs

Dogs can be anxious for a number of different reasons. But there are some remedies you can try out before heading to the vet to see if something is wrong, or if they need medication.

White Noise

White noise machines are a great tool to help distract your pup from any outside noises that may be spooking them. Noise anxiety isn’t uncommon in dogs so a white noise machine is a perfect fix to try out!

Are Your Stress Levels High?

Our dogs have a special connection to us, so it’s not abnormal if they pick up on how we feel, including our anxiety. Anxiety in humans and dogs can be extremely complicated, but try starting ‘checking’ your stress around your dog by taking a few calming, deep breaths before you greet them!


Exercise can relieve stress and tension in both canines and humans. Physical activity helps pent-up energy be released, which can create anxiety if not dealt with.


Dog massages are real and they’re a great help to an anxious pup. Massages relax your dog and give you and your furry friend some bonding time.

Medicating for Dog Anxiety?

If you feel like your dog’s anxiety is something that you can’t help ease, then you should contact your vet. They may prescribe a medication for treatment. Some common medications for dog anxiety are amitriptyline (Elavil), alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium), clonazepam (Klonopin), and clomipramine (Clomicalm).

Depending on the dose indicated by your vet, your dog may take medication for everyday use to special occasions.

Anxiety Toys & Gear

CBD Oil & Treats

Some dog owners swear by the power of CBD for calming their pups. CBD is found to be extremely effective at calming down dogs with anxiety or anxious tendencies. Read more about it here!

Puzzle Toy

Puzzle toys are great options for dogs who need a distraction. It can help with those anxious feelings your dog gets when you’re up doing activities or in the process of leaving the home!

Long Chews

Long-lasting chew toys are best for dogs who are anxious chewers. A good option for your pooch is a Kong or a rawhide-free alternative!

Comfy Dog Bed

There’s nothing better than a restful and comfortable sleep. For dogs, this can help with anxiety, or just give them a place to calm down.