Moby’s Story

Moby “Placing” on steps.

Moby is a three year old chocolate Lab who we adopted at 12 weeks as his prior owners couldn’t properly care for him. Moby was a pretty good dog in a lot of ways but as he got older, his behavior got worse, to the point that we were embarrassed to take him on walks, primarily due to ridiculous barking and leash aggression. We dealt with it until he started randomly bolting and we became really worried.

We worked through three private sessions and a couple months of group classes and was impressed at how he progressed from the dog with severe distraction/barking/placing issues to the dog that was relatively well-mannered and everyone loved. We still get compliments from neighbors about how good of a dog he is, especially when he just sits and looks at other dogs when you tell him to sit. (Before training he’d be running up in their face barking like crazy).

He’s not perfect and that’s probably what I like best about what Lisa offered; he could still be nuts (and still is) but to pay attention when you want him to. He still jumps all over me when I come home from work, which I don’t want to change, but when I tell him to sit, he listens.

I was able to take him to a PNC Pup Night game.  He would have NEVER done this prior to working with Sit Means Sit. Lisa is really good at what she does and with enthusiastically recommend her.

– Rich, Pittsburgh