Keep your dog safe during 4th of July


July 4th Fireworks in downtown Pittsburgh
July 4th Fireworks in downtown Pittsburgh

The 4th of July immediately elicits memories of BBQs, American flags, parades, and fireworks.  But all of these things can be very stressful on your dog.  In fact, according to HomeAgain more dogs go missing on 4th of July than any other day of the year, so with that in mind please take extra care of our 4-legged friends.

Fireworks can upset dogs for a number of reasons; the noise, the bright burst and even the odor of fireworks can be overwhelming to dogs of all ages and breeds. Know signs of stress in your dog. These may include excessive panting, yawning or lip-licking. They may have wide eyes, try to hide, or bark excessively. Look for changes to your dog’s normal behavior and respond accordingly to help minimize stress by providing shelter from noise or other stressful stimuli.  Make sure your dog is secure (inside or on a leash with you) before the fireworks start. Dogs that are never runners may suddenly dash. Fireworks can trigger fight/flight.

We discussed many ways to try to ease a dogs anxiety of storms last week, here are some additional things to try for your dog for the fireworks, because they can be very unpredictable as many people set them off all day long.


–       Take your dog for an extremely long walk/run/play.  Try to wear your pup out; it is easier for them to stay settled if they are warn out.

–       If your dog lives outside, you may want to bring them into a garage, or basement for a few days before and after the holiday.

–       Make sure when you take your pet out during this time period that are on a leash and have a collar with updated tags on it with contact details.

–       If you are going to a park with fireworks leave your pet at home instead of taking them. Some people host a party at their house so they can be home to help their pet.

If you have a young dog (2 – 6 months) try to safely expose them to loud noises, crowds, and other overwhelming situations. Within reason. Work with a trainer for the best ways to introduce distractions and maintain confidence and impulse control during different situations. The 4th of July is a great holiday & everyone likes to enjoy the holiday, lets make sure it is safe and fun for your pet as well.